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Polikarpov I-16

P. Laureau, J. Arráez Cerdá, S. Soulard, G. Duranthie

Utilisé en très grand nombre par les Soviétiques, les Espagnols et les Chinois, cet avion a participé à tous les conflits qui se sont déroulés de 1936 à 1945. En avance sur son temps lors de sa mise en service, il était le principal chasseur soviétique au moment de l’invasion allemande. Cet ouvrage présente l’histoire complète de cet avion, son développement et son utilisation opérationnelle par les différentes forces aériennes qui l’ont employé. Plans à l’échelle de toutes les versions, écorchés, extraits de notices techniques, 280 photos, 128 profils et vues couleurs.

192 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm, broché

i16eng-medium.jpgEnglish version

This is an exceptional work which you should not miss. It contains more for the historian and the modeller than any other contemporary work on the famous I-16. This aircraft was the world’s first unbraced monocoque monoplane fighter with a retractable undercarriage to see service. And then, more than 10,000 were built. It served in large numbers with the Soviet Union, in Spain and in China and fought in major battles between 1936 and 1945, and served in Spain until the early 1950s. Well in advance of its time when it entered service, it was the Soviet Union’s main fighter when the Germans invaded. The work contains not only technical details, but pilot’s reports on flying the aircraft.

– 192 pages, 280 photographs, 128 profiles in colour, scale plans of all versions, cutaway drawings and extracts from technical documents, the complete history of the I-16, its development and its operational service in the different air forces which used it.

En bref

Éditions J. Kytka

English version translated by Brinsley Best

£19.50 ou/or 30 €